Tuesday 31 January 2012

Final logo designs

For my final logo design I have made a few Changes , the Most noticeable is to the Colour Scheme of the two Logos I found that the selected colours which are Red, Purple and Yellow/Gold works well with my Design I have also chosen them to be the Primary colours of the Company I believe that my designs work well because of their originality. For both of my Designs I have Sketched them out first, developed them, subsequently I Scanned them onto the computer and used Computer Aided Design via the methods of Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator to produce these outcomes; before arriving at a final piece, after I have scanned in the designs I cleaned them up and Transfered them to Illustrator where they where live traced at this point I faced adversity as the tracings weren't complete; meaning that there was gaps in the designs because of this I had to go Back to the begining and used the pen tool and very carefully go around the design Manually to fill the gaps in both designs, this was successful and i was able to add colour to the designs using the live paint bucket which made a successful outcome.  

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