Wednesday 9 May 2012

Graphics Poster Evaluation

 These were my Final outcomes for the 8hour exam they were inspired and developed with the background of Various artist such as David Klein, Chris Dent, Andy Potts and various methods that I have developed myself using Tutorials at a earlier stage I also found that The Time that I was wary of was more than enough to make the 5 designs as I prepared myself very well going into the exam with all the materials and knowledge of what to do I did face some problems with the Time of the Lino Printing however everything else came easy to me as I had a lot of practise and was on auto pilot for the other posters I did make changes to improve some posters and found that it really helped with the overall design. Making a Time keeping sheet to make the most of the Time and had various Checkpoints every 30 minutes made it less stressful and made better use of the time I believe that this was the main reason I got through all the Posters in the Time available . I also believe that because I have experiment with a variety of materials and mediums I was able to extend my chances of being successful with these designs e.g. if I hadn't experiment with the Lino cutting making it would take a lot longer and If I had'nt known the knowledge of the of the inks long drying time I wouldn't of made it with less ink to reduce the drying time I believe that there could of been changes to make the design better In many ways such as more detail in areas less going on in some images but overall I believe that it worked well and if it was done again the outcomes will be of higher standard

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