Thursday 3 May 2012

experimentation in Photoshop

I have had a go at making a Miles Donovan inspired piece and went ahead from just a simple 3 colour to using four colours in one experiment. this study was made by using a photo that I took as developments for the final posters. I have used a photoshop techniques to develop these outcomes; I started by making a copy of the original image in photoshop and selected the top  layer only, I then adjusted the threshold on the image oppositely to the duplicated layer making one light and 1 dark, I then used the hue and saturation tool to get to colours I wanted , and this point I was trying to get rid off the background so I went to select and selected the colour range tool and selected the white background and deleted it from the image .  I went a step further and made a new layer and filled it with the colour of my Choice for the 4 colour stencil I then saved the image as a jpeg re opened it into photoshop and added new colours in the places where it needed to be.

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