Friday 16 March 2012

In Depth analysis of Postcard

This is a Post Card about Montego Bay, Jamaica. Montego bay is one of the main Tourist attractions in Jamaica because of it's Clear beaches, cuisine and tropical weather. My First reaction to the postcard was that it is very aesthetically pleasing as it shows the sea front washing the shores, the bright vibrant colours of the buildings and a clear sky, in the post card there are various activities visible which includes a ferry for tourist. The colours used are very warm and inviting almost asking the recipient to come and take a visit enjoy the scenery of Montego Bay, the roads at the time of the photo are very clear this also makes the viewer believe that their destination is quite making it easy to get around and have a quite holiday; the image itself is very calm and relaxing promoting a peaceful holiday.
The aim of the postcard was to make others feel drawn to take an holiday to this destination. judging by the photo is present a Calm, easy going, peacefully and resourceful holiday showing that you can get a lot of fun activities done enjoy the scenery and meet the Locals. The buildings in the photos are a mixture of  Modern contemporary and Traditional styles this shows that although the area has moved on in terms of technology there are historical buildings and landmarks which helps to gain an understanding of the history of the island.
the Image is a still shot Photo I think the reason for the artist choice not to photoshop or develop the image further was to show the beauty of the island everything in the image is perfect therefore unnecessary editing  with the image will ruin it.
My personal response to this work is that it works very well the aesthetics are very good, the presentation works well because there has been a lot of thought gone into making this postcards it appears to be a simple photo however without the presentation the postcard wouldn't be complete. 

1 comment:

  1. You have completed a good analysis here but in future ensure you complete in-depth analysis of specific artists/designers work rather than 'found' images. You could include images like this within your project but you may wish to simply collect several examples and briefly annotate them - make sure you choose an artist/designer from the brief for your 3rd in depth analysis
