Friday 16 March 2012

Sydney Opera Art Installation Analysis

This piece was designed and created by Darcy Prendergrast and a group of friends for Staples, it is a replica of the Sydney Opera house and it's surroundings which is made completely out of Stationary that can be bought in the store. The reason for this Installation is that it was a part of a TV advert that enables you with the Chance of winning a Trip to Australia hence the reason for Sydney being their choice as it is a main tourist attraction. there is a wider Range of Materials being used to create this installation such as post it notes, paper clips, staples, cardboard, cards, Paper, pens, pencils, elastic bands, string, erasers, crayons, glue, felt tips, markers, rubbers and tip-ex. The piece of work is very accurate and whilst looking at it there is and instant recognition as to where it is replicating it is very unique and shows how far 1 can go with simple very day stationary materials. I believe that this piece works well because of it's complexity in terms of using solid Stationary materials to create a miniature version of the real place there has been alot of time and effort to layout this installation before making it, its structure and the materials work well to create it's designated areas; it shows versatility and originality as the artist has gone beyond the expectation of his audience. I believe that the intensions of the artist was to amaze their audience and show how far you can take a simple object and develop an make it into something spontaneous.   

1 comment:

  1. An interesting analysis - well done! Remember to include the CPLAD and other notes made in class within this post - you can simple scan these and upload them to the post!
