Friday 16 March 2012

Research of Possible cities for My Illustration

                                      Barcelona City 
                                     New York City 

These are the 6 holiday destinations that I have decided to research and record that will be used to develop ideas for my illustration Poster design. I have chosen a mixture of Tropical and sub Tropical destinations the as they bring a mixture of different aspects to the table e.g. New York holidays destinations will provide areas to Shop, Scenery and wide range of luxury Hotels to enjoy where as in Negril it is a lot more remote holiday destination which brings  the fun directly to you, it is far away from other forms of civilisation and Shopping malls as a result you can only do what is available at the resort.

1 comment:

  1. You have chosen some interesting destinations - in class you described your reasons for each one well - perhaps you could add a quick description beneath each image explaining your reasons for choosing them!

    Also this was part of the starter activities so you should re title the post accordingly - where is the other starter activity work? It would be worth placing it all into one post when you do upload it! A good start though!
