Friday 16 March 2012

In depth Poster analysis

This poster was designed and created By David Klein for TWA Jets Promoting the company and attracting people to visit New York city. The image is made with original Gouache and mixed media, it is made up of Typography and one of the most famous Landmarks in New york; the Statue of Liberty. The piece has very bright vibrant colours and is made up of  Typographic words in different shapes, sizes and different fonts, they are all places that may be of interest to those visiting New York City. The image is made from a drawing and paints, this may symbolise New Yorks rich culture of art. the Typography looks very organised even though there is a lot of it I believe that this could symbolise the organisation of people in the City that never Sleeps. I believe this poster works well because of it's structure and lay out on the page the artist has thought about each individual aspect and found the perfect way to make it come together on the page. by not using a actual image of New York city after looking at this image it leaves you with a cliff hanger ending as it makes you wonder about the attractions listed such as Lincoln Centre, Columbus Circle etc. this really makes you want to research these areas and eventually makes the viewer visit these areas.
I also believe that the colours used in this poster help to give it the effect it has on viewers, the Gouache paint intensifies the brightness of the colours and draws the attention of the viewer as this happens the are indulged in the painting which  draws there interest.
I believe that this image would work better if there was a hint of what the buildings and the scenery is like,  as there isn't any reference to them people still don't exactly know what to expect until they research it further because of this more thought would have to be in put into the holiday choice and this would cause people to change there minds as it would be too much hassle. 

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