Friday 13 April 2012

David Klein artist analysis

I was researching new techniques and came across David Klien's work that he did for TWA jets for flights to New York City the artist has thought hard about the elements that he has put into the poster e.g. he has put the statue of Liberty and an abstract scene with lights and alot of movements these are symbolise that link directly to New York as it's about the Famous Landmark and the saying that the city never sleeps. In the images above. These posters are made using gouache and mixed media. I think the poster works well as the bright gouache colors are brought out on the dark surfaces causing it to contrast i also find that the posters are not painted lifelike and there is a lot of symbolism in the typography e.g. the typography in the first image is the shape of  New York. There is a lot more to understand in this image I believe that the target audience of these posters would be to that of late teens to adult/ people who are more likely to travel; the New york city destinations are of that, that wouldn't generally  interest kids. after viewing these images for a while they start to make you feel like you should be on a tourist trip to these places as a more mature form of Leisure.
i believe that these poster work well as they get straight to the point with their audience the types of activities that will be available and it shows some in sight as to what to expect from the Visit, however I didn't like the fact that the target audience was so limited but this could be becuase of the fact that the company these posters were made for is a private jet company and as a result you get the idea of the type of Lifestyle the individuals that use these services would be interested in. I would like to use this artists work to develop my final design as i love the overall poster it gives some many emotions just from the look of it.I believe that this type of design on my final design would bring about a high standard final outcome.

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