Wednesday 19 December 2012

Photoshop experiment with Primary Sketches

I have Brought My design Into Photoshop and used a few of Textures that I have photographed and scanned on to the computer. And made the designs possible using Adobe Photoshop. The design is made up for Primary sketches from Secondary Materials, Textures and Computer Aided design. I have used the texture designs and implemented them in the design using a number of layers to give the effect that I wanted. The colours and fill effects were done using the airbrush Tool in adobe Photoshop using various colours that compile to make the skin tone on the Artist the Lightness that shines through the image comes from the surface textures in the design. I will develop this design idea by experimenting with the medium and adding  more to the overall image with patterns, more textures, Sketches and Primary photos. However I do believe that this design works well due to the powerful single image of the artist and the fact that he is not facing forward makes you think, why is it positioned in this way? what is he looking it at ? small things like this sparks and interest in the cover and would incourage more people to look at the design.

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